Healthy “Brown Bag” Lunch Ideas for Kids, Adults, and Students!


(part 2 of 4)


While at school or work, your lunch can be most crucial to your performance during the day. The right balance of carbs, protein, and healthy fats can get you over that afternoon slump, save you money, and even tighten a few belt buckles. So what can you pack for lunch that will last and isn’t the typical PB&J each day? Here are a few ideas to help even the busiest of people.


First, lets start out with the proper way to pack a lunch that will get you over the afternoon slump and help you last until dinner. Be sure to include the proper serving size of a protein and starch, a serving of fruit, a serving of veggies, a snack to ensure you wont hit the vending machine, and plenty of water!

Share the responsibility of packing school lunches with your kiddos with this checklist to help kids them pack their own healthy, balanced lunch. Via Rage Against the Minivan



– When using a wrap for sandwiches or making a salad into a wrap, be sure to use a true whole grain/wheat wrap and watch the calorie content. You do not need HUGE wraps. Medium sized will be just enough.


– There are now bags out there that are portion controlled. These are perfect for taking grapes, crackers, dry cereals, etc. while keeping the portions in check. If you do not wish to buy these, be sure to measure out the portion sizes!


– Drink plenty of water before and after lunch, and throughout the day! This will help to metabolize your food and keep you full. Sometimes we mistake hunger for thirst.


– Invest in good tupper wear containers, and even a good lunch packing box (like the one below) to help keep everything organized and environmentally friendly!


Lunch Ideas: (click on the picture to go back to the source for the recipe)

1.) Pepperoni Mozzarella Grilled Cheese (great substitute for an actual pizza!)

– Use turkey pepperoni, or fresh sliced pepperoni to keep things fresh and healthy, as well as low in fat

– Same thing with the Mozzarella. Try finding a fresh Mozzarella to use, or a lite Mozzarella

– Choose a whole grain/whole wheat bread instead of white bread, to get you healthy whole grains in

Pepperoni Mozzarella Grilled Cheese - Project LunchBox |




2.) Pita Pizza

– Use a whole grain pita, lite or fresh mozzarella, and sub tomato/pizza sauce for fresh tomatoes (or choose a sugar free tomato sauce)

pita pizza


3.) Tuna Salad with Pita Crisps

– Make sure to watch how the tuna is prepared… unwanted fat and calories sneak up on you very easily with tuna. Choose to make it yourself, or just use plain tuna.


tuna salad work lunch


4.) Quesadilla Strips with Layered Dip

– Sub plain greek yogurt or guacamole for sour cream, or avoid it in general.

– Use a whole wheat wrap, and add some chicken into the quesadilla to get protein in

 photo IMAG2228.jpg


5.) Hummus, Avocado, and Feta Sandwich

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus, Avocado, & Feta Sandwich Recipe on A simple vegetarian sandwich that is full of flavor!



There are millions of great ideas to use for lunches. Above, were the top 5 we found that could go for anyone’s taste buds. Below are many pictures of example lunches that follow the “How To Pack You Lunch Chart” that we thought would be even more helpful for busy moms, students, teachers, and everyone else who wants to save a few bucks and  loose a few pounds.


211598882466096369 Ideas For Packing A Delicious, Healthy Lunch.


The pictures below are great ideas of 500 calories (or less) from this website.

….. And so much more! Click here for the website!

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